Package org.jruby.ext.ffi

Source Code of org.jruby.ext.ffi.StructLayout$NumberField

* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
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* Copyright (C) 2008 JRuby project
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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package org.jruby.ext.ffi;

import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyHash;
import org.jruby.RubyInteger;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyNumeric;
import org.jruby.RubyObject;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.RubySymbol;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyClass;
import org.jruby.anno.JRubyMethod;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.ObjectAllocator;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.*;

* Defines the memory layout for a native structure.
@JRubyClass(name=StructLayout.CLASS_NAME, parent="Object")
public final class StructLayout extends Type {
    static final Storage nullStorage = new NullStorage();
    /** The name to use to register this class in the JRuby runtime */
    static final String CLASS_NAME = "StructLayout";

    /** The name:offset map for this struct */
    private final Map<IRubyObject, Member> fieldSymbolMap;

    /** The name:offset map for this struct */
    private final Map<IRubyObject, Member> fieldStringMap;
    /** The ordered list of field names (as symbols) */
    private final List<IRubyObject> fieldNames;

    /** The ordered list of fields */
    private final List<Field> fields;

    /** The ordered list of fields */
    private final Collection<Member> members;

    /** The number of cacheable fields in this struct */
    private final int cacheableFieldCount;

    /** The number of reference fields in this struct */
    private final int referenceFieldCount;

     * Registers the StructLayout class in the JRuby runtime.
     * @param runtime The JRuby runtime to register the new class in.
     * @return The new class
    public static RubyClass createStructLayoutClass(Ruby runtime, RubyModule module) {
        RubyClass layoutClass = runtime.defineClassUnder(CLASS_NAME, module.fastGetClass("Type"),
                ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR, module);

        RubyClass arrayClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("ArrayProxy", runtime.getObject(),
                ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR, layoutClass);

        RubyClass charArrayClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("CharArrayProxy", arrayClass,
                ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR, layoutClass);

        RubyClass fieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Field", runtime.getObject(),
                FieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass numberFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Number", fieldClass,
                NumberFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass enumFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Enum", fieldClass,
                EnumFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass stringFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("String", fieldClass,
                StringFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass pointerFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Pointer", fieldClass,
                PointerFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass functionFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Function", fieldClass,
                FunctionFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass innerStructFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("InnerStruct", fieldClass,
                InnerStructFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass arrayFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Array", fieldClass,
                ArrayFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        RubyClass mappedFieldClass = runtime.defineClassUnder("Mapped", fieldClass,
                MappedFieldAllocator.INSTANCE, layoutClass);

        return layoutClass;
     * Creates a new <tt>StructLayout</tt> instance.
     * @param runtime The runtime for the <tt>StructLayout</tt>.
     * @param fields The fields map for this struct.
     * @param size the total size of the struct.
     * @param alignment The minimum alignment required when allocating memory.
    private StructLayout(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, Collection<IRubyObject> fields, int size, int alignment) {
        super(runtime, klass, NativeType.STRUCT, size, alignment);

        int cfCount = 0, refCount = 0;
        List<Field> fieldList = new ArrayList<Field>(fields.size());
        List<IRubyObject> names = new ArrayList<IRubyObject>(fields.size());
        List<Member> memberList = new ArrayList<Member>(fields.size());
        Map<IRubyObject, Member> memberStringMap = new HashMap<IRubyObject, Member>(fields.size());
        Map<IRubyObject, Member> memberSymbolMap = new IdentityHashMap<IRubyObject, Member>(fields.size() * 2);
        int index = 0;
        for (IRubyObject obj : fields) {
            if (!(obj instanceof Field)) {
                throw runtime.newTypeError(obj, runtime.fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("StructLayout").fastGetClass("Field"));

            Field f = (Field) obj;
            if (!( instanceof RubySymbol)) {
                throw runtime.newTypeError("fields list contains field with invalid name");


            Member m = new Member(f, index, f.isCacheable() ? cfCount++ : -1, f.isValueReferenceNeeded() ? refCount++ : -1);
            memberSymbolMap.put(, m);

            // Allow fields to be accessed as ['name'] as well as [:name] for legacy code
            memberStringMap.put(, m);
            memberStringMap.put(, m);

        this.cacheableFieldCount = cfCount;
        this.referenceFieldCount = refCount;

        // Create the ordered list of field names from the map
        this.fieldNames = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<IRubyObject>(names));
        this.fields = Collections.unmodifiableList(fieldList);
        this.fieldStringMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(memberStringMap);
        this.fieldSymbolMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(memberSymbolMap);
        this.members = Collections.unmodifiableList(memberList);
    @JRubyMethod(name = "new", meta = true, required = 3, optional = 1)
    public static final IRubyObject newStructLayout(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject klass,
            IRubyObject[] args) {

        IRubyObject rbFields = args[0], size = args[1], alignment = args[2];

        if (!(rbFields instanceof RubyArray)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(rbFields, context.getRuntime().getArray());

        List<IRubyObject> fields = Arrays.asList(((RubyArray) rbFields).toJavaArrayMaybeUnsafe());

        return new StructLayout(context.getRuntime(), (RubyClass) klass, fields,
                RubyNumeric.num2int(size), RubyNumeric.num2int(alignment));

     * Gets the value of the struct member corresponding to <tt>name</tt>.
     * @param ptr The address of the structure in memory.
     * @param name The name of the member.
     * @return A ruby value for the native value of the struct member.
    @JRubyMethod(name = "get", required = 2)
    public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject name) {
        return getValue(context, name, nullStorage, ptr);
     * Sets the native value of the struct member corresponding to <tt>name</tt>.
     * @param ptr The address of the structure in memory.
     * @param name The name of the member.
     * @return A ruby value for the native value of the struct member.
    @JRubyMethod(name = "put", required = 3)
    public IRubyObject put(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject name, IRubyObject value) {
        putValue(context, name, nullStorage, ptr, value);

        return value;
     * Gets a ruby array of the names of all members of this struct.
     * @return a <tt>RubyArray</tt> containing the names of all members.
    @JRubyMethod(name = "members")
    public IRubyObject members(ThreadContext context) {
        RubyArray mbrs = RubyArray.newArray(context.getRuntime(), fieldNames.size());
        for (IRubyObject name : fieldNames) {
        return mbrs;

     * Gets a ruby array of the offsets of all members of this struct.
     * @return a <tt>RubyArray</tt> containing the offsets of all members.
    @JRubyMethod(name = "offsets")
    public IRubyObject offsets(ThreadContext context) {
        Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime();
        RubyArray offsets = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);

        for (IRubyObject name : fieldNames) {
            RubyArray offset = RubyArray.newArray(runtime);
            // Assemble a [ :name, offset ] array
            offset.append(runtime.newFixnum(getMember(runtime, name).offset));

        return offsets;
    @JRubyMethod(name = "[]")
    public IRubyObject aref(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject fieldName) {
        return getField(context.getRuntime(), fieldName);

    public IRubyObject fields(ThreadContext context) {
        return RubyArray.newArray(context.getRuntime(), fields);

    final IRubyObject getValue(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject name, Storage cache, IRubyObject ptr) {
        if (!(ptr instanceof AbstractMemory)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(ptr, context.getRuntime().fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("AbstractMemory"));
        return getMember(context.getRuntime(), name).get(context, cache, (AbstractMemory) ptr);

    final void putValue(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject name, Storage cache, IRubyObject ptr, IRubyObject value) {
        if (!(ptr instanceof AbstractMemory)) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(ptr, context.getRuntime().fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("AbstractMemory"));
        getMember(context.getRuntime(), name).put(context, cache, (AbstractMemory) ptr, value);

     * Returns a {@link Member} descriptor for a struct field.
     * @param name The name of the struct field.
     * @return A <tt>Member</tt> descriptor.
    final Member getMember(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject name) {
        Member f = fieldSymbolMap.get(name);
        if (f != null) {
            return f;
        f = fieldStringMap.get(name);
        if (f != null) {
            return f;

        throw runtime.newArgumentError("Unknown field: " + name);

     * Returns a {@link Field} descriptor for a struct field.
     * @param name The name of the struct field.
     * @return A <tt>Member</tt> descriptor.
    final Field getField(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject name) {
        return getMember(runtime, name).field;

    public final int getSize() {
        return getNativeSize();

    final int getReferenceFieldCount() {
        return referenceFieldCount;

    final int getReferenceFieldIndex(Member member) {
        return member.referenceIndex;

    final int getCacheableFieldCount() {
        return cacheableFieldCount;

    final int getCacheableFieldIndex(Member member) {
        return member.cacheIndex;

    public final int getFieldCount() {
        return fields.size();

    public final java.util.Collection<Field> getFields() {
        return fields;

    public final java.util.Collection<Member> getMembers() {
        return members;

     * A struct member.  This defines the offset within a chunk of memory to use
     * when reading/writing the member, as well as how to convert between the
     * native representation of the member and the JRuby representation.
    public static final class Member {
        final FieldIO io;

        final Field field;

        /** The {@link Type} of this member. */
        final Type type;

        /** The offset within the memory area of this member */
        final int offset;

        /** The index of this member within the struct field cache */
        final int cacheIndex;

        /** The index of this member within the struct field reference array*/
        final int referenceIndex;

        /** The index of this member within the struct */
        final int index;

        /** Initializes a new Member instance */
        protected Member(Field f, int index, int cacheIndex, int referenceIndex) {
            this.field = f;
            this.type = f.type;
            this.offset = f.offset;
            this.index = index;
            this.cacheIndex = cacheIndex;
            this.referenceIndex = referenceIndex;

        final long getOffset(IRubyObject ptr) {
            return offset;

        final int getIndex() {
            return index;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return obj instanceof Member && ((Member) obj).offset == offset && type.equals(((Member) obj).type);

        public int hashCode() {
            return 53 * 5 + (int) (this.offset ^ (this.offset >>> 32)) + 37 * type.hashCode();
         * Writes a ruby value to the native struct member as the appropriate native value.
         * @param runtime The ruby runtime
         * @param cache The value cache
         * @param ptr The struct memory area.
         * @param value The ruby value to write to the native struct member.
        public final void put(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            io.put(context, cache, this, ptr, value);

         * Reads a ruby value from the struct member.
         * @param cache The cache used to store
         * @param ptr The struct memory area.
         * @return A ruby object equivalent to the native member value.
        public final IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            return io.get(context, cache, this, ptr);

        public final int offset() {
            return offset;

        public final Type type() {
            return type;

    interface FieldIO {
         * Writes a ruby value to the native struct member as the appropriate native value.
         * @param runtime The ruby runtime
         * @param cache The value cache
         * @param ptr The struct memory area.
         * @param value The ruby value to write to the native struct member.
        public abstract void put(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value);

         * Reads a ruby value from the struct member.
         * @param cache The cache used to store
         * @param ptr The struct memory area.
         * @return A ruby object equivalent to the native member value.
        public abstract IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr);

         * Gets the cacheable status of this Struct member
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if this member type is cacheable
        public abstract boolean isCacheable();

         * Checks if a reference to the ruby object assigned to this field needs to be stored
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if this member type requires the ruby value to be stored.
        public abstract boolean isValueReferenceNeeded();

    static final class DefaultFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        public static final FieldIO INSTANCE = new DefaultFieldIO();

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            return m.field.callMethod(context, "get", ptr);

        public void put(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            m.field.callMethod(context, "put", new IRubyObject[] { ptr, value });

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return false;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return false;

    private static final class FieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new Field(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new FieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Field", parent="Object")
    public static class Field extends RubyObject {

        /** The basic ops to read/write this field */
        private FieldIO io;

        /** The name of this field */
        private IRubyObject name;

        /** The {@link Type} of this field. */
        private Type type;

        /** The offset within the memory area of this member */
        private int offset;

        Field(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            this(runtime, klass, DefaultFieldIO.INSTANCE);

        Field(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, FieldIO io) {
            this(runtime, klass, (Type) runtime.fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("Type").fastGetConstant("VOID"),
                    -1, io);
        Field(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, Type type, int offset, FieldIO io) {
            super(runtime, klass);
   = runtime.getNil();
            this.type = type;
            this.offset = offset;
   = io;

        void init(IRubyObject name, IRubyObject type, IRubyObject offset) {
   = name;
            this.type = checkType(type);
            this.offset = RubyNumeric.num2int(offset);

        void init(IRubyObject name, IRubyObject type, IRubyObject offset, FieldIO io) {
            init(name, type, offset);
   = io;

        void init(IRubyObject[] args, FieldIO io) {
            init(args[0], args[2], args[1], io);

        @JRubyMethod(name="initialize", visibility = PRIVATE, required = 3, optional = 1)
        public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
            init(args[0], args[2], args[1]);

            return this;

        final Type checkType(IRubyObject type) {
            if (!(type instanceof Type)) {
                throw getRuntime().newTypeError(type, getRuntime().fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("Type"));
            return (Type) type;

        public final int offset() {
            return this.offset;

        public final Type ffiType() {
            return type;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return obj instanceof Field && ((Field) obj).offset == offset;

        public int hashCode() {
            return 53 * 5 + (int) (this.offset ^ (this.offset >>> 32));

         * Gets the cacheable status of this Struct member
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if this member type is cacheable
        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return io.isCacheable();

         * Checks if a reference to the ruby object assigned to this field needs to be stored
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if this member type requires the ruby value to be stored.
        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return io.isValueReferenceNeeded();

        final FieldIO getFieldIO() {
            return io;

        static ByteOrder getByteOrderOption(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

            ByteOrder order = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();

            if (args.length > 3 && args[3] instanceof RubyHash) {
                RubyHash options = (RubyHash) args[3];
                IRubyObject byte_order = options.fastARef(RubySymbol.newSymbol(context.getRuntime(), "byte_order"));
                if (byte_order instanceof RubySymbol || byte_order instanceof RubyString) {
                    String orderName = byte_order.asJavaString();
                    if ("network".equals(orderName) || "big".equals(orderName)) {
                        order = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
                    } else if ("little".equals(orderName)) {
                        order = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
            return order;

        public final IRubyObject size(ThreadContext context) {
            return context.getRuntime().newFixnum(type.getNativeSize());

        public final IRubyObject alignment(ThreadContext context) {
            return context.getRuntime().newFixnum(type.getNativeAlignment());

        public final IRubyObject offset(ThreadContext context) {
            return context.getRuntime().newFixnum(offset);

        @JRubyMethod(name = { "type", "ffi_type" })
        public final IRubyObject type(ThreadContext context) {
            return type;

        public final IRubyObject name(ThreadContext context) {
            return name;

    private static final class NumberFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new NumberField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new NumberFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Number", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class NumberField extends Field {

        public NumberField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass);

        public final IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

            init(args, new NumberFieldIO(checkType(args[2]), getByteOrderOption(context, args)));

            return this;

    private static final class EnumFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new EnumField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new EnumFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Enum", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class EnumField extends Field {
        public EnumField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass);

        public final IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

            init(args, new EnumFieldIO(getByteOrderOption(context, args)));

            return this;

    private static final class StringFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new StringField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new StringFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::String", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    static final class StringField extends Field {
        public StringField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, StringFieldIO.INSTANCE);

    private static final class PointerFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new PointerField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new PointerFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Pointer", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class PointerField extends Field {
        public PointerField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, PointerFieldIO.INSTANCE);

    private static final class FunctionFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new FunctionField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new FunctionFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Function", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class FunctionField extends Field {

        public FunctionField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, FunctionFieldIO.INSTANCE);

        @JRubyMethod(name="initialize", visibility = PRIVATE, required = 3, optional = 1)
        public final IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
            IRubyObject type = args[2];

            if (!(type instanceof CallbackInfo)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(type, context.getRuntime().fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("Type").fastGetClass("Function"));
            init(args, FunctionFieldIO.INSTANCE);

            return this;

    private static final class InnerStructFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new InnerStructField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new InnerStructFieldAllocator();
    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::InnerStruct", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class InnerStructField extends Field {

        public InnerStructField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, DefaultFieldIO.INSTANCE);
        @JRubyMethod(name="initialize", visibility = PRIVATE, required = 3, optional = 1)
        public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

            IRubyObject type = args[2];

            if (!(type instanceof StructByValue)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(type,
            init(args, new InnerStructFieldIO((StructByValue) type));

            return this;

    private static final class ArrayFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new ArrayField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new ArrayFieldAllocator();
    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Array", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class ArrayField extends Field {

        public ArrayField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, DefaultFieldIO.INSTANCE);

        @JRubyMethod(name="initialize", visibility = PRIVATE, required = 3, optional = 1)
        public final IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

            IRubyObject type = args[2];
            if (!(type instanceof Type.Array)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(type,
            init(args, new ArrayFieldIO((Type.Array) type));

            return this;

    private static final class MappedFieldAllocator implements ObjectAllocator {
        public final IRubyObject allocate(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            return new MappedField(runtime, klass);
        private static final ObjectAllocator INSTANCE = new MappedFieldAllocator();

    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::Mapped", parent="FFI::StructLayout::Field")
    public static final class MappedField extends Field {

        public MappedField(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass) {
            super(runtime, klass, DefaultFieldIO.INSTANCE);

        @JRubyMethod(required = 4)
        public IRubyObject initialize(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
            if (!(args[2] instanceof MappedType)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(args[2],

            if (!(args[3] instanceof Field)) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newTypeError(args[3],

            init(args[0], args[2], args[1], new MappedFieldIO((MappedType) args[2], ((Field) args[3]).getFieldIO()));

            return this;

    public static interface Storage {
        IRubyObject getCachedValue(Member member);
        void putCachedValue(Member member, IRubyObject value);
        void putReference(Member member, Object value);

    static class NullStorage implements Storage {
        public IRubyObject getCachedValue(Member member) { return null; }
        public void putCachedValue(Member member, IRubyObject value) { }
        public void putReference(Member member, Object value) { }
    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::ArrayProxy", parent="Object")
    public static class ArrayProxy extends RubyObject {
        protected final AbstractMemory ptr;
        final MemoryOp aio;
        protected final Type.Array arrayType;

        ArrayProxy(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, long offset, Type.Array type, MemoryOp aio) {
            this(runtime, runtime.fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass(CLASS_NAME).fastGetClass("ArrayProxy"),
                    ptr, offset, type, aio);

        ArrayProxy(Ruby runtime, RubyClass klass, IRubyObject ptr, long offset, Type.Array type, MemoryOp aio) {
            super(runtime, klass);
            this.ptr = ((AbstractMemory) ptr).slice(runtime, offset, type.getNativeSize());
            this.arrayType = type;
            this.aio = aio;

        private final long getOffset(IRubyObject index) {
            return getOffset(Util.int32Value(index));

        private final long getOffset(int index) {
            if (index < 0 || index >= arrayType.length()) {
                throw getRuntime().newIndexError("index " + index + " out of bounds");

            return (long) (index * arrayType.getComponentType().getNativeSize());

        private IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, int index) {
            return aio.get(context, ptr, getOffset(index));

        @JRubyMethod(name = "[]")
        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject index) {
            return aio.get(context, ptr, getOffset(index));

        @JRubyMethod(name = "[]=")
        public IRubyObject put(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject index, IRubyObject value) {
            aio.put(context, ptr, getOffset(index), value);
            return value;

        @JRubyMethod(name = { "to_a", "to_ary" })
        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context) {
            IRubyObject[] elems = new IRubyObject[arrayType.length()];
            for (int i = 0; i < elems.length; ++i) {
                elems[i] = get(context, i);

            return RubyArray.newArrayNoCopy(context.getRuntime(), elems);

        @JRubyMethod(name = { "to_ptr" })
        public IRubyObject to_ptr(ThreadContext context) {
            return ptr;

        @JRubyMethod(name = { "size" })
        public IRubyObject size(ThreadContext context) {
            return context.getRuntime().newFixnum(arrayType.getNativeSize());
         * Needed for Enumerable implementation
        @JRubyMethod(name = "each")
        public IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
            if (!block.isGiven()) {
                throw context.getRuntime().newLocalJumpErrorNoBlock();
            for (int i = 0; i < arrayType.length(); ++i) {
                block.yield(context, get(context, i));
            return this;


    @JRubyClass(name="FFI::StructLayout::CharArrayProxy", parent="FFI::StructLayout::ArrayProxy")
    public static final class CharArrayProxy extends ArrayProxy {
        CharArrayProxy(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ptr, long offset, Type.Array type, MemoryOp aio) {
            super(runtime, runtime.fastGetModule("FFI").fastGetClass("StructLayout").fastGetClass("CharArrayProxy"),
                    ptr, offset, type, aio);

        @JRubyMethod(name = { "to_s" })
        public IRubyObject to_s(ThreadContext context) {
            return MemoryUtil.getTaintedString(context.getRuntime(), ptr.getMemoryIO(), 0, arrayType.length());

     * Primitive (byte, short, int, long, float, double) types are all handled by
     * a PrimitiveMember type.
    static final class NumberFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        private final MemoryOp op;

        NumberFieldIO(Type type, ByteOrder order) {
            this.op = MemoryOp.getMemoryOp(type, order);
        NumberFieldIO(MemoryOp op) {
            this.op = op;

        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            op.put(context, ptr, m.offset, value);

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            return op.get(context, ptr, m.offset);

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return false;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return false;

     * Enum (maps :foo => 1, :bar => 2, etc)
    static final class EnumFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        private final MemoryOp op;

        public EnumFieldIO(ByteOrder order) {
            this.op = MemoryOp.getMemoryOp(NativeType.INT, order);

        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            // Upcall to ruby to convert :foo to an int, then write it out
            op.put(context, ptr, m.offset, m.type.callMethod(context, "find", value));

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            // Read an int from the native memory, then upcall to the ruby value
            // lookup code to convert it to the appropriate symbol
            return m.type.callMethod(context, "find", op.get(context, ptr, m.offset));

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return false;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return false;


    static final class PointerFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        public static final FieldIO INSTANCE = new PointerFieldIO();
        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            if (value instanceof Pointer) {
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putMemoryIO(m.offset, ((Pointer) value).getMemoryIO());
            } else if (value instanceof Struct) {
                MemoryIO mem = ((Struct) value).getMemoryIO();

                if (!(mem instanceof DirectMemoryIO)) {
                    throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("Struct memory not backed by a native pointer");
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putMemoryIO(m.offset, mem);

            } else if (value instanceof RubyInteger) {
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putAddress(m.offset, Util.int64Value(ptr));
            } else if (value.respondsTo("to_ptr")) {
                IRubyObject addr = value.callMethod(context, "to_ptr");
                if (addr instanceof Pointer) {
                    ptr.getMemoryIO().putMemoryIO(m.offset, ((Pointer) addr).getMemoryIO());
                } else {
                    throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("Invalid pointer value");
            } else if (value.isNil()) {
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putAddress(m.offset, 0L);
            } else {
                throw context.getRuntime().newArgumentError("Invalid pointer value");
            cache.putReference(m, value);

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            DirectMemoryIO memory = ((AbstractMemory) ptr).getMemoryIO().getMemoryIO(m.getOffset(ptr));
            IRubyObject old = cache.getCachedValue(m);
            if (old instanceof Pointer) {
                MemoryIO oldMemory = ((Pointer) old).getMemoryIO();
                if (memory.equals(oldMemory)) {
                    return old;
            Pointer retval = new Pointer(context.getRuntime(), memory);
            cache.putCachedValue(m, retval);

            return retval;

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return true;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return true;

    static final class StringFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        public static final FieldIO INSTANCE = new StringFieldIO();
        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            MemoryIO io = ptr.getMemoryIO().getMemoryIO(m.getOffset(ptr));
            if (io == null || io.isNull()) {
                return context.getRuntime().getNil();

            return RubyString.newStringNoCopy(context.getRuntime(), io.getZeroTerminatedByteArray(0));

        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            ByteList bl = value.convertToString().getByteList();

            MemoryPointer mem = MemoryPointer.allocate(context.getRuntime(), 1, bl.length() + 1, false);
            // Keep a reference to the temporary memory in the cache so it does
            // not get freed by the GC until the struct is freed
            cache.putReference(m, mem);

            MemoryIO io = mem.getMemoryIO();
            io.put(0, bl.getUnsafeBytes(), bl.begin(), bl.length());
            io.putByte(bl.length(), (byte) 0);

            ptr.getMemoryIO().putMemoryIO(m.getOffset(ptr), io);

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return false;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return true;

    static final class FunctionFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        public static final FieldIO INSTANCE = new FunctionFieldIO();

        public void put(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            if (value.isNil()) {
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putAddress(m.getOffset(ptr), 0L);
                cache.putReference(m, value);
            } else {
                Pointer cb = Factory.getInstance().getCallbackManager().getCallback(context.getRuntime(), (CallbackInfo) m.type, value);
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putMemoryIO(m.getOffset(ptr), cb.getMemoryIO());
                cache.putReference(m, cb);

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            final long address = ((Pointer) ptr).getMemoryIO().getAddress(m.getOffset(ptr));
            AbstractInvoker fptr = (AbstractInvoker) cache.getCachedValue(m);
            if (fptr != null && fptr.getAddress() == address) {
                return fptr;
            fptr = Factory.getInstance().newFunction(context.getRuntime(),
                    ((Pointer) ptr).getPointer(context.getRuntime(), m.getOffset(ptr)), (CallbackInfo) m.type);
            cache.putCachedValue(m, fptr);

            return fptr;

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return true;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return true;


    static final class InnerStructFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        private final StructByValue sbv;

        public InnerStructFieldIO(StructByValue sbv) {
            this.sbv = sbv;

        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            throw context.getRuntime().newNotImplementedError("Cannot set Struct fields");

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            IRubyObject s = cache.getCachedValue(m);
            if (s == null) {
                s = sbv.getStructClass().newInstance(context,
                        new IRubyObject[] { ((AbstractMemory) ptr).slice(context.getRuntime(), m.getOffset(ptr)) },
                cache.putCachedValue(m, s);

            return s;

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return true;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return false;

    static final class ArrayFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        private final Type.Array arrayType;
        private final MemoryOp op;

        public ArrayFieldIO(Type.Array arrayType) {
            this.arrayType = arrayType;
            this.op = MemoryOp.getMemoryOp(arrayType.getComponentType());

            if (op == null) {
                throw arrayType.getRuntime().newNotImplementedError("unsupported array field type: " + arrayType.getComponentType());

        public void put(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            if (isCharArray() && value instanceof RubyString) {
                ByteList bl = value.convertToString().getByteList();
                ptr.getMemoryIO().putZeroTerminatedByteArray(m.offset, bl.getUnsafeBytes(), bl.begin(),
                    Math.min(bl.length(), arrayType.length() - 1));

            } else if (false) {
                RubyArray ary = value.convertToArray();
                int count = ary.size();
                if (count > arrayType.length()) {
                    throw context.getRuntime().newIndexError("array too big");
                AbstractMemory memory = (AbstractMemory) ptr;

                // Clear any elements that will not be filled by the array
                if (count < arrayType.length()) {
                    memory.getMemoryIO().setMemory(m.offset + (count * arrayType.getComponentType().getNativeSize()),
                            (arrayType.length() - count) * arrayType.getComponentType().getNativeSize(), (byte) 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                    op.put(context, memory,
                            m.offset + (i * arrayType.getComponentType().getNativeSize()),
            } else {
                throw context.getRuntime().newNotImplementedError("cannot set array field");

        public IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, StructLayout.Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            IRubyObject s = cache.getCachedValue(m);
            if (s == null) {
                s = isCharArray()
                        ? new StructLayout.CharArrayProxy(context.getRuntime(), ptr, m.offset, arrayType, op)
                        : new StructLayout.ArrayProxy(context.getRuntime(), ptr, m.offset, arrayType, op);
                cache.putCachedValue(m, s);

            return s;

        private final boolean isCharArray() {
            return arrayType.getComponentType().nativeType == NativeType.CHAR
                    || arrayType.getComponentType().nativeType == NativeType.UCHAR;

        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return true;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return false;

    static final class MappedFieldIO implements FieldIO {
        private final FieldIO nativeFieldIO;
        private final MappedType mappedType;

        public MappedFieldIO(MappedType mappedType, FieldIO nativeFieldIO) {
            this.nativeFieldIO = nativeFieldIO;
            this.mappedType = mappedType;

        /* since we always need to call in to ruby to convert the native value to
         * a ruby value, we cannot cache it here.
        public final boolean isCacheable() {
            return false;

        public final boolean isValueReferenceNeeded() {
            return nativeFieldIO.isValueReferenceNeeded() || mappedType.isReferenceRequired();

        public final IRubyObject get(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr) {
            return mappedType.fromNative(context, nativeFieldIO.get(context, nullStorage, m, ptr));

        public void put(ThreadContext context, Storage cache, Member m, AbstractMemory ptr, IRubyObject value) {
            final IRubyObject nativeValue = mappedType.toNative(context, value);
            nativeFieldIO.put(context, cache, m, ptr, nativeValue);

            if (isValueReferenceNeeded()) {
                // keep references to both the ruby and native values to preserve
                // reference chains
                cache.putReference(m, new Object[] { value, nativeValue });

Related Classes of org.jruby.ext.ffi.StructLayout$NumberField

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